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Natural Awakenings Central Florida / Orlando

Editorial Submissions

Natural Awakenings Welcomes Your Participation!

Your editorial submissions are what make Natural Awakenings a community resource for holistic and natural living. We want our readers to get to know you. Submitting editorial for one or more of our departments provides you with the opportunity to share knowledge and bring focus to your business.

News Briefs & Kudos Submissions

NEWS BRIEFS: Just as the name implies, a News Brief is a timely, newsworthy item that typically makes an announcement to readers. Whether you’ve opened a new office, have a special event coming up or are offering a new therapy, we want to hear about it. News Briefs must be written in third person and relevant to our subject matter. This is not an advertisement and should not be written as such. We reserve the right to edit all submissions.

KUDOS: Do you have someone in mind who deserves special recognition for a recent achievement? Did you just pass your licensing exam? We want to let everyone know in a Kudo.

News Brief/Kudos Submission Guidelines
  • Length: 50-250 words.
  • Style: Write in 3rd person. (Please, no “I, me, we, our, my, mine, you or yours.”)
  • Deadline: The deadline for submitting News Briefs and Kudos is the 10th of the monthprior to publication. Late submissions are at risk of not being considered.
  • We reserve the right to edit all submitted news briefs.
  • Include the following information:
    Who is the newsmaker or sponsor? Please include name, title and company/organization.
    What is newsworthy, timely and of interest to our readers? Is there a cost to attend, participate or for a service/treatment?
    When is the event, opportunity or change taking place?
    Where is the event, opportunity or change taking place? Include complete address.
    Why is this news important to readers at this time?
    How will this news story affect and what’s the immediate benefit for our readers?
    Other brief background information (relevant credentials/experiences, store hours or vital stats) 
    Name of contact person to possibly mention in the brief
    Contact person’s telephone
    Contact person’s email address
    Website URL for more information
    Corresponding image in .jpg or .png format (minimum 300 DPI)

Health Briefs Submissions

Health Briefs highlight the latest research studies, trends and tips in easy-to-digest articles of 50 to 200 words. Each focuses on a particular topic, such as food, supplements, self-care, beauty, balance and fitness. Submissions should always contain doable solutions or pertinent research findings on common conditions or health issues. 

Health Brief Guidelines
  • Length: 50-250 words.
  • Deadline:  Due on or before the 10th of the month prior to publication.
  • Briefs should be written in layman’s terms, and impart information in a way that does not sound self-serving.
  • We reserve the right to edit all submissions if necessary; for longer features, a copy of revisions can be returned upon request.
  • Please include a brief biography at the end of your article.

How to Submit

Editorial should be submitted by email as a MS Word document attachment or text embedded in the body of the email.  Send to  [email protected].
For Advertising Inquiry email [email protected]
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