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Natural Awakenings Central Florida / Orlando

My Thanksgiving is Perpetual

I am grateful for what I am and have.

My thanksgiving is perpetual.

~ Henry David Thoreau

One of my favorite authors is Henry David Thoreau. When I attended Bentley University in Waltham, Massachusetts, I would often visit Walden Pond where he lived and wrote. So much of his work inspires me to be a good steward of this precious place we call Earth.

I have another quote of his as a magnet on my filing cabinet: “It is far more glorious to carve and paint the very atmosphere and medium through which we look, which morally we can do. To affect the quality of the day, that is the highest of arts.”

This November edition focuses on Mental Well-Being and Gratitude. As author Madiha Saeed points out in our Inspiration department this month, “Gratitude is not just a feel-good word. It is an emotion expressing appreciation for what one has—a universal concept in nearly all of the world’s spiritual traditions. Practicing gratitude daily is proven to have many health benefits. It helps lower inflammatory markers, influences epigenetics, improves the immune system and even helps the heart.” To have a Grateful Heart is the best medicine I know.

You will also find many tips throughout for dealing with anxiety, grief, stress and trauma. No doubt: If you watch mainstream news channels, prepare for a bombardment of negativity. I’ll pass on that!  Now more than ever, we need to rediscover optimism.  This is a wonderful season to reflect and explore new ways to ease tension and meet new friends.

Check out our Daily Calendar on pages 26-28 in the printed magazine! There are many more offerings this month, and most are free to attend.

Let’s wander over to Your Vagus Nerve. (Vagus means to wander in Latin.) How do you exercise it? Little did I know that sighing helps this wandering nerve. Sighing has health benefits?! (I’m guilty of doing this too often, especially these past two years.) Singing has better benefits I believe. I am joining a choir starting next week! This is how I plan on exercising my Vagus. See "Exercise Your Vagus Nerve to Beat Stress" for many other easy ways.  

Let’s count our blessings, get outside and cherish the fact that we live in this beautiful climate of Central Florida. We have so much to be thankful for.

I also want to extend my gratitude to you all, our readers—and, of course, the many advertisers who have supported this magazine for decades. (We are in our 23rd year of publishing.) Without them, this free magazine would not be possible. Please support them when making purchases. Also, many of them offer Gift Certificates. Healthy, locally-made products and/or services make very thoughtful gifts.

Happy PERPETUAL Thanksgiving!


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