Releasing Trauma with Diane Ross

On Tuesday, March 29, 2022, at 7:00 pm,
Diane L. Ross, M.A., Certified Hypnotist, Practitioner of NLP (neurolinguistic
programming) and author of Meditations for Miracles and Five Steps to
Freedom offers an easy way of letting go. Most of us have
experienced traumas in our lives that have left deep imprints. Perhaps the
heavy weight of this 2-year pandemic has caused trauma, too?
Here is your chance to learn this
NLP technique to release the negative impressions and experience the freedom of
letting go. What negative experiences would you like to resolve? It can be
relatively simple as you go through this one-hour process.
The session is offered online via
Zoom for only $15. As an internal experiential session, all your work is in
total privacy.
For details and to register, visit: or
call Diane’s landline at 407-898-7918. To text, her cell is 407-538-7614.