We are Super Excited to Welcome SUPER KATIE to Our Staff

With an enthusiastic passion for all things natural
and eco-friendly, Super Katie has joined our Natural Awakenings staff to
assist with many projects, including sales/marketing and distribution. If you
would like to receive magazines each month to your business, she will add you
to our route.

At age one, dubbed SUPER KATIE by her grandmother,
this endearing nickname remains to this day. We find that her grandmother was
right on!
Many of you will know her from her long-term days at
ADL Wellness & Herbs n’More and the Spiral Circle Bookstore (both in Orlando).
With over 24 years in the body/mind/spirit fields, she has been practicing
Kundalini yoga, meditation, energy work, intuitive guidance and spiritual
counseling. She has certifications in Reiki, Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP)
and the Adamantine Health System (AHS).
Super Katie will continue to offer unique personalized
Soul Refresh sessions which are offered in Altamonte Springs, your residence
and/or remotely by telephone. To learn more, please visit her website: www.SoulRefreshWellness.com
or call/text 407-543-0877. She welcomes meeting all of you!