Love Is In the Air!

If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other. ~ Mother Teresa
LOVE is in the air, and this month our editorial team has been focused on matters of the heart—especially those that keep us alive and well. You will find much advice here, and check out the easy heart-healthy recipes on pp 20-23.
Ready for a 14-Day challenge? See page 13 where Deyna Gomez (founder of Sage & Harmony Holistic Coaching) lists 14 Self-Love Steps which are fun and rewarding. I will repeat all of them for the days ahead, too.This is a must-read for all—not just child-bearing women. (See pp 24-25.)
(Informed Consent Action Network) and the CDC (Center for Disease Control), the CDC has been
forced to update their website. The CDC removed the false claim that “Vaccines Do Not Cause Autism. ”Since year 2017 when the court case began, this result is a story of determined persistence.
We hope you enjoy this edition—and Let’s Share the Love,