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Natural Awakenings Central Florida / Orlando

Vultures on Patrol in Africa

Vultures in a tree

kjekol from Getty Images/CanvaPro

Poaching of elephants, hippos, cape buffalo and other wildlife has been a challenging problem in Ugandan national parks for years. With the help of scientists from the Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research, in Berlin, the Uganda Wildlife Authority has enlisted the help of local vultures to help fight poaching because they can spot a carcass from more than two miles away.

Twenty of the winged scavengers have been fitted with trackers connected to artificial intelligence that help interpret the birds’ movements, including circling for an extended period, preening, drinking, hopping on a carcass or battling over a carrion. Once the technology identifies a potential poaching site, the park rangers can move in to hopefully catch the poachers or dismantle their snares and traps. In the future, vulture tags may include a camera to help rangers quickly assess what killed an animal.

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