2025 Thundering Spirit Family Pow Wow in Mount Dora

The annual Thundering Spirit Family Pow Wow is an authentic event for the whole family. Held from Friday, February 28, through Sunday, March 2, at Renninger's Twin Markets in Mount Dora, the event will highlight traditional Native American culture including drumming, dancing, music, crafts and food.
Featured performers include Arvel Bird (Celtic/Native American Violinist/Flutist/Storyteller), Lowery Begay (Hoop Dancer), Tloke Nahua (Aztec Dancers) and Sicuani (Flute Player/Drummer/Actor/Performer/Musician).
Gates open daily at 9 a.m.; entertainment starts at 10 a.m. Friday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. is children’s day. Grand Entries will take place Friday 7 p.m.; Saturday 1 p.m. and 7 p.m.; and Sunday 1 p.m.
Admission for adults is $10 (or 3-day pass $15); free for active, retired or service veterans and children under 12. Feel free to bring chairs and/or blankets to sit on.
Location: Renninger’s Market, 20651 Hwy 441, Mount Dora. For more information, see ThunderingSpiritFamily.com or email [email protected].