Let There be Peace on Earth

“Let There Be Peace on Earth, and Let It Begin with Me.”
~ Songwriters Jill Jackson & Sy Miller 1955

Because this was my grandmother’s favorite song and because we all need an uplifting message, I decided to research the above song. Here’s the story:
In 1955 at a California workshop high in the mountains, a group of 180 teenagers of all race and religion locked arms in a circle and sang this song of peace. Written by Jill Jackson and Sy Miller, it expressed their dream of world peace and how each of us could help create it. The 180 young people returned to their communities and started sharing the song in homes, schools, churches and clubs. It didn’t take long for the song to reach all fifty states and become the official theme for Veteran’s Day, United Nations Day, Human Rights Day and countless celebrations worldwide.
It is our common bond of love which will bring peace, happiness and security. I have renewed my faith in the laws of nature. Nature confirms that we are all inter-connected; and nature brings us a time for every season. Winter is the perfect time to slow down, enjoy a bit of hibernation—to meditate and reflect. Take this time to ponder how each of us can make the world a better place.
This December edition we focus on Thoughtful Gift-Giving and Self-Care. Sharing gratitude everyday will bring more joy—guaranteed! If you’re feeling disappointed, like our Holy Mole cartoon character below, cheer up! There is happiness and brightness all around you….just choose some new places to look. You’ll find many uplifting things to do in our calendar (p26) and our advertisers shine like stars, too! Most of them offer gift certificates.
Happy Healthy Holidays,