Counting My Blessings

“When I started counting my blessings, my whole life turned around.”
~ Willie Nelson
Autumn is my favorite time of year, and our November edition focuses on aging with gratitude and embracing wisdom from our Elders.
During these tumultuous times, I always find relief when I pause to count my blessings. These can be as simple as cherishing a cool breeze, sharing a smile with a stranger and/or experiencing awe during a beautiful sunrise and sunset. We have so many ways to cultivate new beginnings—and you will find many tips within these pages.
Additionally, the ancient advice from Hippocrates echoes within me. “Let food be thy medicine.” Check out pages 18-21on celebrating with festive soup. Yum!
Finally, I also want to extend my gratitude to you all, our readers—and, of course, the many advertisers who have supported this magazine for decades. Without them, this free magazine would not be possible. Please support them when making purchases. Many offer gift certificates which make very thoughtful gifts, too.
Happy Autumn Days,