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Natural Awakenings Central Florida / Orlando

QI: The Force Behind Blood Flow and Higher Intelligence

Sep 30, 2024 09:31AM ● By Damon Damato
Interview with Qigong Practitioner Jeff Primack

DD: Can you bring a Universal meaning to describe “Qi”?

JP: Qi is the electric Life Presence that beats the human heart and charges the air we breathe. Gong, like Gong Fu, is a repeated action to activate higher energy. Qigong generates a powerful magnetic field in the hands, and this energy “dilates arteries”, healing what it touches. The effects of Qi are profound for increasing circulation and improving endocrine imbalances. Science will discover Qi is related to static electricity and can be harnessed with hand postures.

DD: MindBody Activation is coming, November 9 to 11, to Lake County Fairgrounds. What is your higher vision for sharing this kind of healing with so many people in 2024?

JP: I believe when more human beings develop “Qi Awareness”, human evolution will go higher. Florida is home to our national event where we transform a huge outdoor pavilion into sacred space. Our intention is to experience the authentic healing and stress-dissolving practices of Qigong in a strong group energy field. Sound, light and Qi graphics are used to improve learning; everyone can feel what is going on without any previous experience. It’s rare that 500-plus people all inhale at the same second while holding the same healing prayer. Many people that attend heal old injuries, and everyone is strengthened. Our vision for this event is to uplift the group energy to the highest level.

DD: Is there significance to practicing Qigong in large groups?

JP: From 1980 to1999, the Chinese gathered for Qigong events inside arenas and stadiums with tens-of-thousands of people. Dr. Yan Xin led the first wave of Qi awareness with integrity, but other fake masters misused Qigong to protest the government and it was then banned in large group settings. Chinese people had discovered the secret of “group energy” and it went beyond the roar of a rock concert or the cheers in a football game. Where two or more practice Qigong sincerely, there exists a larger quantum living field of energy.

DD: The breathwork at the MindBody Activation is transformative. Since every person is connected to it, do you believe the answers to healing and overcoming negative emotions are found here?

JP: Breathing is the most powerful skill humans can learn to attune with the spirit of life. Genesis 2:7 reveals, “God breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.” People report euphoric vibrational experiences when they do our Breath Empowerment even if they don’t believe Qi exists. Breathwork is the best Gong Fu; repeated deep breaths will break the veil of darkness and bad thoughts, eventually flooding the body with light energy.

DD: I’ve seen a shift over the past few years where your focus has really zeroed in on food healing, especially in regards to food science. Why do you feel this is so important in today’s world, and how does it relate to one’s personal Qi?

JP: Food is key to excellent health, especially natural foods made before the inventions of man. For example, kiwi helps to reverse asthma, as in hundreds of students I’ve counseled. Moreover, the prestigious medical journal Thorax indicates children who ate kiwi 3 to 5 times a week vs. those who didn’t eat any had a much lower incidence of asthma.

DD: You perform a Global Healing Circle that is legendary. How does it connect participants using the 9-Breath Method with an expanded process?

JP: The living electricity felt in the hands of the healing circle is unlike anything else we teach. After everyone is proficient in using the 9-Breath Method, our signature breathing technique, we hold hands while doing it many times. The feeling is like an electric current going through everyone’s legs, arms and hands. It feels so very good! Delicious, I might say. We focus our mind to God and ask for healing of people we love and send light to noble groups and nations.

MindBody Activation is $299 for three days. Massage Therapists earn 21 CE hours. U.S. veterans attend free. For more information and reservations, call 561-275-8384 and/or visit
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