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Natural Awakenings Central Florida / Orlando

Let’s Make America Healthy Again!

“Change is the only constant” and “Time is of the essence”

Both of the above quotes resonate with me this month. Are you looking forward to the Nov 5 outcome? If you are still undecided, I would like to shed some light. These are important concerns to address. The first is to protect our freedom of speech (held in a peaceful manner), which includes non-censorship of successful science-backed health information.

Throughout the recent decades, many natural health advocates have been silenced (medical licenses threatened, online platforms banned, etc.) solely because they questioned Big Pharma’s agenda. We especially witnessed this during the initial Covid crisis. Did you know that the United States had more “so-called” covid deaths than any other country? Most of the deceased were already unhealthy. Those with pre-conditions, such as asthma, diabetes, obesity, respiratory, heart and mental health challenges, were among the greatest casualties. Contrarily, healthy individuals survived a positive covid diagnosis. We know that even the vaccinated (1, 2 or 3x) still contracted the virus. Many still suffer from LTC: long-term covid. I believe, our dismal death rates could have been greatly reduced if we were a healthier nation.

Let’s make America healthy again! I am choosing the party that supports organic farming and an overall safer lifestyle. Health organizations (such as FDA, CDC, EPA, NIH) need major pruning and weeding. We need science-backed solutions which include producing Real Food—not lifetime prescription drugs. Remember:  Big Pharma thrives on our sick populations, just as cancerous tumors thrive in overly-processed, sugary-sweet diets. Not convinced? Just read the drug disclaimers of possible (likely?) side effects of each prescription. Often those side effects are worse than the initial ailment.

For example, Ozempic (prescribed for obesity) is a drug created in Denmark. It has recently been projected by JP Morgan to escalate in sales over the next 10 years. Get this:  Denmark does not advertise it as heavily as in the United States. Instead, their (not surprisingly) recommendation is to first eat Real Food. This seems to be a no-brainer; however, our children need to know that relying on Big Pharma is not the answer.

Don’t get me started on alcohol consumption. The only disclaimer on these ads is “Drink Responsibly.” This is probably because the side effects of alcoholic beverages are too long to list. These death rates rank high no matter your age or ethnicity. Why aren’t these beverages classified as a fatal drug such as tobacco?

The answers will appear if you just “follow the money.” Finally, let’s ask: Is health or wealth more important to you? Solutions for healthy living should not be difficult. With proper knowledge, a DIY healthy lifestyle is attainable and your best defense! However, we must protect our food sources. The organic farmers have always been included in my list of heroes. I hope you support them, too.

Finally, October is the perfect time to get outside, and soak up the free Vitamin D. Below is a mini-list of some local markets. Enjoy fresh produce and these beautiful autumn days!

Here’s to Peace, Freedom & Health,



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