Signs of God

· When you ask a question of the Divine, trust that it will be answered, but give up any expectations as to exactly how it should be answered.
· Don’t try to find the answer; trust that the answer will come to you.
· Don’t demand an answer or a sign; just be willing to receive it, on whatever level it’s presented to you.
· Thank the Divine for this information before you have actually received it.
· Gratitude raises your vibrations so that you’re more likely to be aware of whatever is given to you.
· Be willing to go through a period in which you don’t know.
· Accept this unknowing and be grateful for it, knowing that this is part of the process.
· Pay attention.
· Become aware of the signs God is giving you.
Diane Ross resides in Central Florida and is a well-known certified Hypnotist, NeuroLinguistic Practitioner (NLP) and author. Her books are available on Amazon. She welcomes your feedback and questions by calling/texting 407-538-7614 or visit her website: