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Natural Awakenings Central Florida / Orlando

If There is a Will, There is a Way!

If you read my letter last month, you will understand this short one now—not much time to overly type these days. I have a 14-week puppy (named Pepe, for many good reasons). He is a peppy Spanish Water Dog breed—full of high, fast-growing energy. I am cancelling my gym membership. 

On a quick note: Somehow? I managed to watch two Netflix films: NYAD & True Spirit. I don’t want to share the endings (no Spoiler alerts). Just FYI: I am inspired at Diana Nyad at age 64 swimming from Cuba to Key West. And, Jessica Watson, a 16-year old fearless, solo-sailor circumstancing the globe from Australia. 

My father Rod Jones always preached: “If there is a will, there is a way.” These wise words guide me every day. 

I hope you will find inspiring tips for your own way within these pages. February focuses on a Heart-Healthy lifestyle. There is always room for heart-felt love! 

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Happy Days Ahead!


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