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Natural Awakenings Central Florida / Orlando

33 Ways to Avoid Sick Visits to the Doctor’s Office

Nov 30, 2023 09:31AM ● By Tips from The Salt Room Longwood
There’s a saying that if you don’t make time for your health, you’ll be forced to make time for being sick!  Here are some simple habits to help keep you and your family out of the doctor’s office.


1.                  Get 8 hours of sleep every night.

2.                  Exercise at least 3 times per week.

3.                  Go outside every day.

4.                  Spend time with people you love.

5.                  Limit processed foods.

6.                  Balance your exercise between weight training, aerobics and stretching.

7.                  Regularly listen to music you love.

8.                  Practice random acts of kindness.

9.                  Eat 2-3 servings of fruit every day.

10.              Eat locally grown foods.

11.              Dance!

12.              Write in a journal regularly.

13.              Eliminate toxic personal care products.

14.              Connect with your Higher Power every day.

15.              Limit sugar intake & eliminate soda.

16.              Follow your passions.

17.              Eat 3-4 servings of vegetables every day.

18.              Lift with your legs, not with your back.

19.              Stay hydrated.

20.              Wear comfortable shoes.

21.              Limit your alcohol consumption.

22.              Wash your hands regularly.

23.              Take your Omega-3s.

24.              Eat moderate portions.

25.              Pay attention to your posture when sitting and standing.

26.              Meditate or pray every day.

27.              Don’t smoke or vape.

28.              Remember to stop and take deep, mindful breaths several times a day.

29.              Do a big yearly cleanse and small seasonal ones.

30.              Do some earthing (or grounding) as often as possible.

31.              Spend time in the sun, especially in the winter.

32.              Use non-toxic household cleaners.

33.              Be sure to MAKE and KEEP your annual check-up with your doctor!

34.              BONUS: Schedule a session at your Salt Room to help with symptoms of allergies, asthma, cold/flu, eczema, sinusitis and STRESS!


The Salt Room Longwood serves all age groups in the Central Florida area with a safe, drug-free therapy proven to be effective for relieving symptoms of many chronic sinus, lung and skin conditions such as allergies, sinus infections, asthma and eczema. Salt therapy is safe!  HEPA/carbon filters and UV light kill 99% of all airborne and surface bacteria and viruses. 


To schedule a salt therapy session, call 407-862-1163 or visit



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