Veggies for the Holidays

“We can’t help everyone, but everyone can help someone.” ~ Ronald Reagan
Isn’t this above quote the truth?! And, I am here to
help some animals, too. What about you? As the Holiday festivities approach, we
are focusing on making veggies the main event. For mouth-watering recipes, see
pages 14-19. Each one will be tested in my kitchen! And, the turkey will be
Point of
by Shel
An Animal
Rights Poem from
Thanksgiving dinner's
sad and thankless
Christmas dinner's dark and blue
When you stop and try to see it
From the dinner's point of view.
Sunday dinner isn't
Easter feasts are just bad luck
When you see it from the view point
of a chicken or a duck.
Oh how I once loved
tuna salad,
Pork, lobsters, lamb chops too
'Til I stopped and looked at dinner
From the dinner's point of view.
Let’s practice gratitude every day, count our
blessings, get outside and cherish the fact that we live in this beautiful
climate of Central Florida.
I also want to extend my gratitude to you all, our
readers—and, of course, the many advertisers who have supported this magazine
for decades. (We are in our 24th year of publishing.) Without them,
this free magazine would not be possible. Please support them when making purchases.
Also, many of them offer Gift Certificates. Healthy, locally-made products
and/or services make very thoughtful gifts.
Happy Thanksgiving to all,