Beljanski Integrative Cancer Conference

The nonprofit Beljanski Foundation has selected
Womabel, a new product recently launched by Maison Beljanski, for use in a
breast health research project to be conducted in partnership with the Kansas
University Medical Center to test its effectiveness in combating breast cancer
stem cells.
Proceeds from Winning the
War on Cancer, The Beljanski Integrative Cancer Conference, to be held from
October 13 to 15, 2023, at Southbank Hotel Jacksonville Riverwalk and Marriott Bonvoy,
will be used to fund this research project, with a goal of $240,000.
Attendees will learn how to
prevent and heal cancer using natural, holistic and integrative methods from
world-leading doctors and cancer conquerors. Topics include cutting-edge
solutions, science and support for putting an end to cancer with top doctors
and cancer conquerors from holistic, functional and integrative medicine.
This information is
relevant for cancer patients, cancer caretakers, cancer doctors, cancer coaches
and experts, and anyone wanting to learn about preventing or healing cancer
using functional and integrative medicine. There will be networking,
presentations, workshops, entertainment and a “dress to impress” gala dinner.
Conference location: 1515
Prudential Dr., Jacksonville. For more information, call 646-808-5583, email
[email protected] or visit and