Let's Go!

“Remember: the entrance door to the sanctuary is inside you.” ~ Rumi
Autumn—my favorite season—has arrived! I am reminded that this is the perfect time for “letting go.” Autumn invites us to release the things in our lives that do not serve us well. Do you have a grudge, a feeling of resentment or an unhealthy habit? Forgive and let it go.
And—let’s go! Last month I wrote about receiving my long-awaited passport and pondered where I’ll internationally explore. Just two weeks ago, I learned about an 8-day river cruise which local coach Erica Boucher has organized. My decision to reserve my space was a no-brainer. This July (7/13-20, 2024), I am excited to take this “Melodies of the Danube” river cruise where we will float in luxury through five countries, explore music and take various excursions in many historic towns. Does this strike a chord with you? If so, see pages 8 and 17 for details. This will be an amazing, life-changing experience, especially if you are a classical music lover like me. The more the merrier, please join us!
Be sure to mark your calendar for Saturday, Oct 28 (10a-6p) for the 18th annual VegFest. This is not just for vegetarians. Visit our Natural Awakenings tent where Erica will answer questions about the Danube cruise and her other Wellness Travel itineraries on the horizon. Also, Arlene Guffin of Ain’t Yo Mama’s Baked Beans will offer her seasonal special pumpkin variety and the most delicious slaws. Master Gardeners Christian and Mark Robinson will also attend with a thriving GreenStalk Garden Tower. (They are also experts in Container Gardening. See pp 18-19.) This is the perfect time to get your medicinal garden growing! They helped set up mine this summer—and it is the easiest gardening experience, especially since I have limited space on an outdoor deck.
Finally, I hope you are inspired by Kikki Powers who shares how to celebrate Indigenous Peoples’ Day. (See p23.)
Happy Autumn and Let’s Get Going!