Get Massages & Support Local Food Banks
Gay Lacy, LMT (MA# 27181) is giving back to the
community. As a Local Massage Therapist for 24 years, she is giving a portion
of proceeds to local food banks. How can you help yourself and help others at
the same time? Get some massages. When you buy any package, $20 will be donated
to food banks. 50-, 70- or 90-minute
massage options are available. Safety Protocols must be followed.
do you need most? TMJ release to reduce jaw tension. Muscle relaxation to reduce
tension in your shoulders, neck and back. Visceral Manipulation for adrenals and
kidney health. Reiki for chakra balancing. Expert bodywork incorporating lymph
drainage, organ bodywork, craniosacral, reflexology with aromatherapy oils. As
you follow your own intuition, staying healthy will be easier.
more info, visit or
call/text her at 407-718-5326.