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Natural Awakenings Central Florida / Orlando

Adjusting the Sails

“We cannot direct the wind, but we can adjust the sails.” ~ Thomas s. Monson

It’s Back to School time, and I have found a new passion: Fermentation. On the YouTube channel: Clean Food Living, Adrienna from Montana teaches for free. Last month I learned how to make a Sourdough Starter. (It takes at least 8 days, but your successful starter can be kept for years.) I happily kneaded and baked my first loaf of rye sourdough bread. Yum!

Next, I was surprised to see the September Chamberlin’s ad come in, which features a home-baked loaf of bread. (See page 23.) Intuitively, their graphic designer and I must be connected with baking ideas! Tip: Every Tuesday at all store locations, Chamberlin’s offers 10% OFF for Rewards Members. Their membership is free—sign up at

Do you have a valid passport? Since I have not traveled abroad since 2007 (16 yrs ago), I had to apply as a brand-new applicant. I chose the “expedite” option. Viola! It arrived in six weeks. Now I ponder: where to go? My list is long, and I encourage you to share your recent experiences with our readers.

Coming in October, our theme is Wellness Travel and Ancient World Medicine. We will be sharing many options state-side and internationally. I encourage you to plan ahead, and get your passport secured. The hardest part will be choosing destinations.

Currently, I am on a Summer 2024 waiting list for a 3-night Schooner/Windjammer adventure out of Maine. The best part: there is no itinerary since the trip goes where the wind blows. I love the Monson quote above. Can you relate?

Happy Sailing wherever you may be,


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