Fix Difficult Relationships and Connect with Others

Are you brave enough to see yourself
through another’s eyes? On Tuesday, May 23, 2023, join Diane L. Ross, M.A., certified
hypnotist, master practitioner of NLP, author of Meditations for Miracles and
Five Steps to Freedom for this special session. It will allow you to
experience how another person perceives you. You may gain a profound
understanding of your relationship with not only a particular person, but with
relationships in general. This guided meditation can have positive effects
on the rest of your life, too!
This event is not for the timid. Do
you ever wonder why some relationships are so challenging? Do you want to
connect with another soul? This online session is only $15 held online via Zoom,
7-8 pm EST.
For more info, visit, call Diane on her landline at 407-898-7918 or text her at