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Natural Awakenings Central Florida / Orlando

Remain a Ready Student

“When the student is ready, the teacher will come.” ~ Author Unknown

How true I have found this proverb to be. And, as a continuously eager student, I have found many teachers along the way, especially when my path went a bit wayward. Remember: a downward-turn or crisis can be a wonderful opportunity to embrace change when one is open for positive growth.

One of my best teachers is my mother, Mary VoelI Jones, who continues to guide me along with gentle advice and silent prayers. For the past twenty-three years, she has been an editorial blessing and sounding board regarding each issue of Natural Awakenings. To coincide with Mother’s Day, this issue is dedicated to my mother, and it focuses on Women’s Health issues.

This May issue has wise advice which, if seriously considered, can improve the lives of all. Our office often receives many testimonials from readers who have found new ways to natural health from our advertisers and writers.

Keep spreading the good news! This is the kind of energy that makes the world go ‘round.

It’s not all about money. The knowledge I continue to gain as Publisher/Editor makes all the hard work and late night hours worth every minute!

Remain a ready student. There is no doubt—you, too, will find countless teachers along the way! Our calendar section is a good place to start. See pages 25-27 for many educational and fun opportunities.

Healthy Wishes,


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