A Winding Path

“Two roads diverged in a wood, and
I—I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.”
~Robert Frost (1874-1963) Poem: The Road Not Taken
I love a winding path, especially through CFL trees with breeze-blown moss—like the one on our cover. Last month during the Thundering Spirit Native-American Pow-Wow in Mount Dora, I met Dan and Nancy Kon (Co-Founders of the non-profit Imagine Our Florida).
At their tent, rescued Mama Tortoise was there to greet everyone, too. Since then I have learned much about our FL Gopher Tortoises. Did you know they are a Keystone Species vital to our local eco-system? Find out why and how you can help protect their habitat on p14. In honor of Gopher Tortoise Day on April 10, I plan on strolling a path nearby and being on the lookout for our endangered species! You, too, can get involved. See the Artist Bio on p8 for ideas.
During these stressful times, it is easy to get caught up worrying about the unknown. Instead, let’s focus on what we do know. With inflation and food shortages, this is the time to reevaluate where you spend your hard-earned money. Farmers markets and gardening centers continue to be my happy “go-to” places. Local markets offer festive settings to purchase the freshest produce—and a fun place to meet like-minded friends. In addition, the markets boost local economies and reduce the carbon footprint than much grocery store items. I like to follow the “100-mile Diet” guidelines which encourage seasonal fare. Luckily we, Central Floridians, can eat a vast array of food grown close to home.
Do you love eggplant? Made and taste-tested last night, my husband and I agree “hands-down” Aurora Moon’s vegan recipe is our new favorite. (See p16-17.)
Spring has sprung! Let’s get outside and enjoy the fresh air. Our calendar (pp 25-27) offers many options—especially check out two Earth Day Festivals on Saturday 4/22 (Lake Eola/Dwtn Orl) and 4/29 (Lake Concord/Casselberry). As Sponsors for both events, Natural Awakenings staff will be there with many eco-friendly items and to meet new friends. Be sure to introduce yourself!
Remember to Celebrate Earth Day Everyday — with Love,