Gut Health Q & A: Tips from The Salt Room Longwood

While you may know that gut health is central to good
digestion, you may not have known that the gut affects nearly EVERY
system in the body and plays a significant role in how they all function. You may have even heard that your gut
is responsible for immune health and that it is the “second brain!” Also true!
Gut health is very important for a healthy immune response and overall
good health.
When people say 70 to 80% of our immune system resides in our
gut, what does that mean?
First, your immune system
initiates an immune response against harmful things such as viruses, bacteria, stress, inflammation or
an unhealthy diet. For example, when you
have a sore throat (caused by an
invading virus or bacteria), your immune system realizes there’s something
wrong and that you need specialized white blood cells (macrophages), which are
made in your lymph nodes, to fight it off.
As a result, your lymph glands swell up.
That is your immune system at work.
(antibodies) like IgA, IgG and IgM are made in our gut from various amino
acids. Immunoglobulins are secreted from
the gut lining in direct response to inflammation. For example, IgA is made from glutamine,
which is an amino acid that we get in our diet.
The lining of the intestines secretes IgA in response to inflammation,
to keep it under control. Inflammation
could be caused by repetitive antibiotic use, food allergies, a high-sugar diet
and/or stress, to name just a few. You
can go years without any kind of outward symptoms of gut problems because this
built-in system keeps inflammation at bay.
A stool
analysis can be used to measure levels of Immunoglobulin A to determine gut
health. High levels of IgA discovered by
this testing will indicate that there’s an acute problem that needs to be
solved. However, in a chronic situation,
the IgA will become depleted.
What exactly is “leaky gut?”
A fancier phrase for leaky gut is “intestinal
permeability.” The lining of the
intestines is formed by cells called “tight junction cells,” which interlock
and fit together very tightly to form a barrier. When you have inflammation in the gut, this
lining becomes so thin, cracks form between the cells—creating an environment
where bad stuff (bacteria, viruses, etc.) can get in, and good stuff can
escape! An inflamed gut can lead to the
loss of important micronutrients such as vitamins, minerals, amino acids,
essential fatty acids and antioxidants, thus preventing the body from absorbing
them and using them to maintain good health.
Examples of
nutrients that have been identified as critical for the growth and function of
immune cells include vitamin C, vitamin D, zinc, selenium, iron and protein
(including the amino acid glutamine).
Whether obtained through diet or taken as supplements, these
micronutrients will not strengthen the immune system if the gut is in
disrepair. Think of a bucket with a hole
in it. You can add water to the bucket
but if there is a hole, the water will leak out and not fill the bucket. In other words, you can take supplements
every day, but if your gut isn’t absorbing them, you’re wasting your money and
compromising your health!
Why is the gut called “the second
When the immune system is weakened by what’s going on in
the gut, it can present different symptoms, but it usually can be linked with
mental health. The neurotransmitters in
our brain like dopamine, serotonin, GABA and glutamate are all made from amino
acids that we get every day in our diet.
Consider serotonin, which is our “happy” neurotransmitter. It’s what controls our mood and ability to
feel stable and joyful. Symptoms of low
serotonin are depression and anxiety. Serotonin is made from tryptophan, which
is an amino acid that’s found in all meats and dairy products. Even if you’re eating the appropriate foods
(or taking supplements) and getting plenty of tryptophan, that tryptophan must
convert in the gut to another amino acid, 5-HTP. Once it’s absorbed from the gut into the
bloodstream, 5-HTP is the precursor that allows the body to make serotonin.
If you have a
gut in disrepair, the 5-HTP can leak out of the gut before it can get into the
bloodstream. So now you have a
neurotransmitter imbalance, which affects behavioral and or mental health. Therefore, you must fix the gut first to
rebalance neurotransmitters.
What are the best ways to protect
gut health?
We must protect the gut microbiome (the good and bad
bacteria in our gut) to have the best gut health. Many people think the gut microbiome is in
the stomach, but it is actually located in the large and small intestines. It not only contains beneficial and harmful
bacteria but also microbes made up of fungi, yeast and viruses. There are roughly 100 trillion microbes
inside the human body with the vast majority residing in our gut. We consume them daily through the food and
water we ingest. The factors that affect
our gut microbiome balance are diet, infections, medications and chronic stress
(mental or physical).
A diet that
includes a variety of fruits, vegetables, fermented foods and fiber all
contribute to microbial diversity and improve the gut microbiome. This can also
be accomplished by taking a good prebiotic/probiotic, but diet is preferred
over supplements whenever possible. Prebiotics are found naturally in
artichokes, apples and green bananas. In
addition to the diet mentioned above, it is crucial to gut health to avoid
refined processed foods including sugar, high fructose corn syrup and GMO
foods. It is also important to note that the top five most gut inflammatory
foods are gluten, cow’s dairy, eggs, soy and peanuts. If the diet has an abundance of any of these,
there will generally be associated gut inflammation.
Lifestyle changes for gut health
While sometimes
antibiotics cannot be avoided, it is well documented that they destroy not only
the pathogens they are meant to eradicate but also attack and destroy the good
bacteria in our gut. Take antibiotics
sparingly and be mindful about replenishing the gut afterwards. The two most prevalent beneficial gut
bacteria are Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium so if a probiotic supplement is
chosen, it should include multiple strains of each of these species.
Reducing stress is paramount to overall gut health. This
includes managing psychological, physical and metabolic stress. Relaxation techniques like deep breathing help
lower stress and anxiety as well as regular physical activity, exercise and
making sleep a priority. Salt therapy
has a relaxing effect on the nervous system and promotes an overall feeling of
A chronically inflamed gut always results in a compromised or inefficient immune response so illnesses can last longer and be more severe.
When we have a healthy gut, we have a healthy immune system that is tolerant to a variety of conditions. Therefore, having a balanced immune system is essential for optimal health!
The Salt Room Longwood serves
all age groups in the Central Florida area with a safe, drug-free therapy
proven to be effective for relieving symptoms of many chronic sinus, lung and
skin conditions such as allergies, sinus infections, asthma and eczema. Salt
therapy is safe! HEPA/carbon filters and
UV light kill 99% of all airborne and surface bacteria and viruses.
To schedule a salt therapy session, call 407-862-1163 or visit