Understanding the Brow Chakra
Jan 31, 2023 09:31AM ● By Maureen Keller
seven-month editorial series began with the Root Chakra (Sept), Sacral Chakra
(Oct), Solar Plexus (Nov), Heart (Dec), Throat (Jan), February is all about the
Brow Chakra. What is it? What organs are affected? How can I support my energy
body health?
are an integral part of physical, psychological and spiritual functions.
Chakras are whirling energy centers correlated to acupuncture points. These
energy centers control and energize major organs. When they malfunction, the
vital organs become sick or dis-eased because they can become unbalanced. Lack
of balance occurs when there is not enough (or conversely too much) life energy
or prana.
Brow (sometimes called Third Eye) is the sixth of seven chakras. It is located at the middle of your eyebrows. Also known
as Ajna (Sanskrit), it is believed to be linked to the unconscious mind,
awareness, ultimate reality and spiritual communication.

The owl is the animal associated with the brow chakra. Represented by wisdom and intuition, their eyes symbolize the ability to see past illusions and help access self-awareness.
The frequency to
open the brow is 9631Hz. This aids in the activation of the pineal gland which produces melatonin. It is believed that melatonin synchronizes
circadian rhythms in different parts of your body. These rhythms follow a 24-hr
cycle. When this chakra is unbalanced. it could lead to headaches and vision
problems. If blocked, you feel close-minded.

Indigo is the color which supports spiritual clarity and inner wisdom. Wearing and surrounding yourself in indigo helps with Ajna balance.

Foods to support this chakra include lavender, juniper berries, aubergine (eggplant), goji berries, grapes.
essential oils such as clary sage, juniper berry, lavender and
A recommended yoga pose is Plow Pose.This
full-body stretch positions your body upside down with your feet over your
head, and offers interesting new perspectives. Practice it before settling into

The crystals/gems are Amethyst, Lapis Lazuli, Labradorite, Sodalite and Azurite.
include: “Seeing and understanding the big picture comes naturally to me.” “My
life moves effortlessly towards my purpose.” “My imagination is vivid and
Souls focus for February is all things related to the Brow Chakra! This article
was created by Maureen Keller, Pranic Healer at Pranic Life ([email protected])
and Kara, Body Intuitive and Owner of Shifting Souls Metaphysical Store
(located inside Unity of CFL, 771 Holden Ave, Orl 32839). Chant AUM (the seed sound) for a 10% discount on all
retail items and stop in for a 10-minute reading with Kara! She may be reached
at [email protected] or 321-328-5912.