Experience a Variety of Healing Modalities at Mehta Metaphysical Center in Winter Park

Trained in reading the etheric energy (using one of only a few Biopulsar devices on this side of the United States), Ted can read how the 7 energy centers (chakras) are functioning by percentage, as well as the color energy coming out of the Aura. This is the only device that can read the energy in all 46 organs! Clients learn if there is an energy blockage in the organs or a lack of energy in a chakra. Then, one can take pro-active steps toward opening and becoming better aligned energetically.
Hypnotherapy with Heidi Bromm
Understanding the power of the subconscious mind and learning how to tap in, one can reprogram negative self-talk, remove emotional charges, reframe adverse stories. It is like handing a key to someone bound in a box of despair, or a life in need of repair. Heidi is a Certified Hypnotist, NLP Practitioner and a Certified Beyond Quantum Healing Practitioner. Beyond Quantum Healing is sacred, ceremonial, drawing upon many modalities including shamanism.
Physic Spiritual Guidance with Jax Cassidy
Guidance from beyond can also help provide insight and messages of inspiration to help assure, and sometimes, challenge people to see things differently. As a Light Worker and an Ascended Master, Jax helps clients from all over the world serving as a Sixth Generational Shamanic Healer and Transformational Intuitive. Guiding them on their healing path, she offers a no-nonsense approach to delivering specific messages to support, encourage or challenge her clients.
Sound & Energy Healing with Amy Anthony
For over 25 years, Amy has been practicing and guiding others through various forms of energy healing. With a deep respect for all sacred traditions aligned in both love and light, she has spent her life studying and applying the sacred healing arts and practices of numerous cultures, which include: Reiki (Japanese); Sekhem (Egyptian); Adamantine; Bioenergetics; Yoga (Kriya, Kundalini, Hatha, Ashtanga, Tantra); Sacred Sound (Gemstone crystalline sound and tuning forks); Sacred Mantras (Hebrew, Tibetan, Sanskrit, Chinese); Healing plants and sacred songs (Amazonian Indigenous cultures); Dance (Egyptian, Universal); Special Divine Feminine Awakening and Attunements are her specialties. Whether you need a simple energetic tune up, are interested in learning how to meditate or are ready to embark on a comprehensive path of transformation, Amy can help.
Tachyon Energy with Stephanie Ray
For those looking for a transcendent experience, Stephanie Ray is a Life Coach who has introduced a Tachyon transformational experience to Central Florida. Sessions in the Tachyon Chamber can help balance the chakras and meridians, offer mental/emotional release, and improve memory and concentration. Many clients feel sensations of euphoric unconditional love and of being at peace.
Reiki with Jill Marie Jordan
For over 15 years and highly trained in Metaphysics, Jill is a Reiki Master. “Rei” refers to “Universal (or Cosmic) Energy” and “Ki” is the energy force that flows through every living thing. She uses a gentle hands-on process that allows healing and balancing energy to be transferred to another person, animal, and/or plant. Unique to her treatments, she also incorporates the healing vibrational energy of sound. Many of Jill’s clients have gone on to train under her to become certified Reiki practitioners, so they may heal others as well.
Founder Vipin Mehta shares “I create my
own reality, and I am responsible for what I am. I am the master of my own
destiny, and not a victim of fate.” This could be true for you, too! Just by
walking into MMC, many feel the reverb of collective consciousness and the
spirit of love.
To learn more, visit www.mehtametaphysicalcenter.com or call 407-853-2698. The Mehta Metaphysical Center is located at One Purlieu Place, Winter Park 32792.