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Natural Awakenings Central Florida / Orlando

Support the PLASTIC-FREE JULY Movement with Good Fills

Orlando-based Co-Owners Trung Tran and Jennie Lee provide eco- and family-friendly cleaning/laundry/bath products without the over-use of plastics.

Plastics are amazingly versatile tools that have improved our lives in wide-reaching areas from medicine to space travel to our very own homes. While they’re good for keeping surgical tools clean and dangerous chemicals contained, we’ve been overwhelmed with single-use plastic, with its production doubling every 10 years. This past year we recycled only 5% of the plastic used in the US, with the rest going into our local landfills. Unfortunately, they don’t just stay in the landfill; microplastics can be found from the depths of the Marianas Trench to the top of Mount Everest, and all our food and water supplies in between!

PLASTIC-FREE JULY is a global movement to be a part of the solution. Show corporations and governments that we care about our streets, oceans, and bodies. You don’t need to sign a petition, just vote with your wallet!

But if plastic is everywhere, how do we even get started?

·        Ditch single-use plastic items. Say “no need!” at the drive thru or on delivery apps. Keep your own reusable utensils and straws in your car or at work.

·        Use a refillable water bottle! How long did that pallet of water sit in the sun before it got to the store? And how long did it sit in a garage or backseat afterwards?

·        Invest in glass, ceramic, metal, and BPA-free containers.

·        Shop local vendors and bulk grocers to avoid shipping waste and unnecessary packaging

And finally, for bulk household soaps, detergents, and cleaning products you can find a zero-waste refill shop in Central Florida. Local refilleries are becoming popular as more people become aware of the current plastics crisis. It’s not all doom and gloom. Do the math and you’ll see that refills can save you money, too! For example, compare 14.5 oz of Easy Off oven cleaner at Target for $4.69 to the same amount of plant-based Good Fills Pro Degreaser for only $4.21. Dropps laundry pods are $19.50+shipping for a subscription of 64 pods, or refill them easily at Good Fills for much less.

We don’t need a handful of people living perfectly zero-waste. We need millions of people willing to make small improvements. You can start here. Will you join the change this July?

Special Offer: Good Fills offers a discount for Natural Awakenings readers thru 7/31/22! Just mention “Plastic Free July” and get a 25% discount on all glass containers…as supplies last! The Market Guide lists their locations. See you at the Filling Station this summer! For more info (and video instructions) or to order online, visit


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