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Natural Awakenings Central Florida / Orlando

Happy Sober Summertime!

A perfect summer day is when the sun
is shining, the breeze is blowing,
the birds are singing and the
lawn mower is broken.
~James Dent

Have you made your Summer Reading List yet? My favorite items to purchase on Amazon are books. This past year my favorites include This Naked Mind and the accompanying The Alcohol Experiment by Annie Grace. The scientific, evidence-based information she shares can be applied toward any type of negative behavior. Last September I embarked on the 100-Day Experiment to prepare for the Sober October movement I was covering for the Oct 2021 magazine. Now nine months later, I still enjoy the path of freedom found from avoiding all types of alcohol. And, yes, I did love red wine and the time I spent living in Provence, France. This Naked Mind book is an easy read, often humorous, and very educational—relatable to all adult ages/genders.

Another recently discovered, favorite book: Mocktail Party: 75 Plant-Based, Non-Alcoholic Recipes for Every Occasion by Kerry Benson, MS, RD & Diana Licalzi, MS, RD. I recommend the hard cover edition for every beverage enthusiast. With a passion for good taste, both authors are Registered Dieticians, and they know how to throw a party! Get ready for July 4th:  The seasonal ingredients for Red, White & Blue SANS-Gria are easy to find. See our special Alcohol-Free section for recipes and get ready to Muddle and Shake! Summer is arriving—when it gets hot, everyone loves a cool drink. However, those drinks imbibed with alcohol (aka ethanol), including wine and beer, are not your liquid friends! If you want to stay hydrated—and happy—get your Mocktails on. By incorporating organic herbs with fruit grown locally, perk up your energy!

Each June, in conjunction with Father’s Day, we celebrate men. As complicated as it may be at times to live with them, we women know they are a necessary ingredient in our lives—whether they be friends, husbands, fathers, grandfathers or mentors. Whatever the male role in our lives, we need to encourage them to take care of themselves. So often they give too little thought to their own health care. Our feature article, "The Healing of the Modern Man," redefines emotional power. You can also find the gift from an imperfect father in this month's Inspiration department. And, of course, women will benefit, too. We are all connected!

Speaking of connectivity and being linked together, some friends tease me about my choice to use as my internet provider. There is a reason I still do—it is not archaic. First, I love the term “earthlink” and I appreciate that Big Tech censorship is not as profound as on gmail and yahoo. Maybe someday I’ll switch to Elon Musk’s Starlink? (From my friends who live in rural areas of this country, I am hearing favorable reports about Starlink’s reliability and fast service. Hmmm.)

Even though I am not a fan of excessive cell phone use, smart phones do have perks. After reading "Technology Meets Nature," I downloaded an APP for my next exploration walk/hike. I do like to identify plants and mushrooms and unusual (natural) bugs.

Now, what about dog walking? Are you doing it right or wrong? I always leave my cell powered off, so I’m doing it right! The worst thing you can do is text (or chat) when sharing special time with your 4-legged friends. In our Natural Pet department this month, find out if YOU are a Misbehaving Dog Walker!

Finally, this June edition marks the completion of our 22nd year publishing in Central Florida! We love making a healthy difference in the lives of all who enjoy this magazine. Thank you all for your input, loyalty and support. We distribute throughout 4 counties: Orange, Seminole, Lake and Osceola.

If your business, community center and/or church would like to receive monthly magazines, give us a call at 407-628-0705. We will gladly add you to our route. We also offer mailed subscriptions ($33/yr or $16.50/semi-annual) anywhere in the good ‘ole US of A. Or just email: [email protected] to be added to our free digital version which arrives directly to your inbox by the first of each month.

And please: Support our advertisers. They are the sole reason we can offer this free magazine, and help share healthy, good news!

Happy Sober Summertime,


Feel Good • Live Simply • Laugh More

From our October 2021 edition

Discover The 6 Reasons I No Longer Drink Alcohol

Discover The 6 Reasons I No Longer Drink Alcohol

Despite years of loving alcohol, I no longer drink alcohol. I am not a recovering alcoholic, nor do I have any religious (or otherwise) views which dictate abstinence. It’s simply that I ... Read More » 


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