32nd Annual Say No To Drugs Holiday Classic 5K/10K

The 32nd annual Say No To Drugs Holiday
Classic 5K/10K is back after missing 2020 due to Covid-19. This Charity
Race will take place on December 18, 2021 at Sand Key Park in Clearwater as a
“leftover” race where runners will choose from previous year’s shirts and
medals while enjoying a beautiful race within the park. A kids’ one-mile
race will follow the 5K/10K.
The Say No To Drugs race is put on each year by
non-paid volunteers and is funded solely from donations from local businesses
as well as from registration fees. All proceeds go to charities such as
Police Athletic League, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts and more.
“We are so happy to have racing back this year, after so
many being shut down last year with the pandemic, and we look forward to seeing
you during this positive, anti-drug awareness race,” shares Sue Minkoff,
co-director. “So many of our lives have been affected by the use of illegal
drugs or the misuse of legal drugs, and we are doing whatever we can to help
educate people and help them lead better lives.”
For more information, visit SayNoToDrugs.com