Back in the Saddle of Life

My favorite season—Autumn is approaching! This time of
year always brings newfound Creativity to me. Perhaps it stems from childhood
“Back To School” days or just the cooler weather? Both!
Sept theme is Creativity which can be found in all forms: painting, dancing,
gardening, writing—you name it. For me, writing takes center stage. Our
Inspiration column (pg 27) reminds me of the power of the handwritten note.
Receiving—and sending—a note card always sparks good vibes, no matter your age.
Everyone’s handwriting is unique. Often the recipient will “hear your voice”
coming through the page. When was the last time you wrote in cursive? (A
computer cursive font does not count!)
dear friend Cassie Curley gave me a box of 12 greeting cards painted by her
mother Carol Terry. Immediately I chose the 2 owls from the set for our cover
art. (See pg 18 for the whole collection. If you love them as much as I do, the
cards are available for purchase.)
month I visited fellow Natural Awakenings Publisher Rebecca Young at her
Volusia county ranch. Almost a decade has passed since I hung out with horses.
What a treat to get back in the saddle on a cool evening! You, too, can
experience the joy of Horse Therapy. Life Coach Angela Jackson offers classes
and one-on-one sessions here. See pg 23 for options. No experience needed!
Finally, after reviewing the Health Brief (p11) “Stay
In Tune with Your Body Clock,” I questioned my own rhythm. According to a
12/18/20 Harvard Health post,
“a growing body of research shows that we may want to pay more attention to Circadian
Rhythm, also called our Chronotype. Identifying if we may be more of an early bird or night owl, may help predict our
risk of potential health problems.
Being an early bird, or the opposite
night owl, is usually not something that is thought of as being under our
control. Some people seem to be hardwired to sleep early, while others get a
second wind and tend to sleep late. This internal clock is each person’s unique
timekeeper and the body’s own master controller of many functions. Most obvious
is our sleep patterns; however, it also plays a role in our hunger and eating
patterns, hormone levels, and maybe even our mood.”
I’ve always considered myself a night owl. Upon further investigation, I
discovered benefits: We tend to be more spiritual, creative and successful (due
to our desire to take risks). However, the tendency toward lower physical
exercise should be addressed. That is easy to modify: I’ll increase my after-dinner
strolls and practice easy calming yoga poses (pg 24).

our many healthy readers (lark or owl) can benefit from a Life Coach. Check out
pp 20-21 for tips on reaching new goals. After this past slow year, we can all
use a little KITA (kick in the ass)! Let it be gentle. Remember: You can make great strides from just an
initial nudge. Coco (my favorite horse) reminds me that a simple carrot is
plenty sometimes!
Here’s to Back in the Saddle of Life….
Happy Autumn Ahead!