Renown Animal Communicator Returns from Retirement

Maldonado, known throughout Central Florida as “The Animal Reader” has returned
from her first round of retirement to offer her services of readings, messages
and insight from animals that have passed or are alive. Maldonado is known for
teaching Animal Communication at Rollins College, LifeLong Learning Division
and her many articles.
is now extending her clientele beyond
animals to humans. “My readings always include messages and insights for the
human,” she says. “It is only fitting that this is made known to the general
has been doing readings for over 25 years, and she has mentored and trained
many well-known pet psychics. “People who
come to me, have been my clients for decades. Before I retire completely, I
have a few more services to offer to those in need.”
Maldonado can be reached
by email at [email protected] and during the month of August,
her website offers many classes at discounted rates, too! Be sure to check out: