Spring Has Sprung!

Spring has Sprung—and we can joyfully feel the signs of rebirth in the air! Let’s take lots of deep breaths and get out and celebrate! There are many festivals and outdoor events happening this month. And, it is wonder-full to resurrect our local calendar section. Check out page 29 for many options— and especially see page 13 for special annual Earth Day Celebrations.
Be sure to mark your
calendar for Sunday, April 25, 2021 (rain or shine:
10am-4pm) for the 16th annual Central Florida
Earth Day Festival at beautiful Lake Eola
(northeast side) in Downtown Orlando. Our tents are
located in Sponsor Row where we’ll have lots of
goodies. We look forward to meeting old and new
friends then.
As usual, within these pages, you will find Earth-friendly articles. Our magazine is all about natural health—whole health. Well-being looks at the larger picture and why it is critical that we love and care for the integrity of the natural environment rather than litter it with toxic, manmade chemicals. We cannot afford to poison the planet that both feeds us and supplies all of our needs. Let’s elect to feed ourselves with life-sustaining nutrients…truly the best global healthcare available.
Fun Fact: April 4-10 is National Library Week. We also encourage our community to show their support through visiting the library, downloading a book, using online resources, taking a class, and making a donation. My local library, the Winter Park Public Library, is offering a “Tee-Rific Mini Golf ” on April 11, 2021 where an 18-hole course winds through. Now, that sounds like fun! Books and Golf!
Remember to celebrate Earth-Day everyday with love,