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Natural Awakenings Central Florida / Orlando

Drink Beet Juice to Lower Blood Pressure

Glass of beet juice to lower blood pressure


Hypertension is a global disease that particularly affects people in low-income communities, but a new study by the UK University of Nottingham suggests that beetroot juice may be a practical solution for people with high blood pressure that have little access to diagnostic help or money for medication. Researchers divided 47 people between 50 and 70 years of age in Tanzania into three groups. For 60 days, one group drank nitrate-rich beetroot juice and folic acid; another was given nitrate-rich beetroot juice and a placebo; and the third drank nitrate-depleted beetroot juice. The researchers found that systolic blood pressure dropped by 10.8 millimeters (mm) Hg (mercury) in the nitrate-rich plus folic acid group and 6.1 mm Hg in the nitrate-rich and placebo group. Studies have shown that the high level of nitrates in beets is converted by the digestive system into nitric oxide, which relaxes and widens blood vessels.

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