“Heart of Spirit” Gala Day

Mark your calendar for February 13 (10 am—4 pm) for the “Heart of Spirit” Gala Day held at Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp. This family-friendly day of fun and celebration features readings from camp certified mediums and healers, informative speaker presentations, sand mandala demonstrations with Geo Louis, and musical concerts featuring Henry Matutino on the didgeridoo and Tibetan singing bowls with Cindy Gordon.
Presentations will be held from noon to 3 p.m. Speakers include Rev. Ed Conklin, Ph.D. with his lecture titled “Life Path,” Rev. Don Zanghi on “Living the Law of Cycles,” Lori Carter with “Meditation is the Answer,” Catherine Ceci on “Animal Communication,” Jamie Osman on “The 1909 Cassadaga Season,” and Joy Sagar discussing the “Natural Law of Love.” A suggested $5 donation is appreciated for each speaker. All day access passes are available for a $10 savings.