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Natural Awakenings Central Florida / Orlando

Moving Onward!

Dec 31, 2020 02:09PM ● By Margaret Mary Jones

Moving Onward! The only constant is change. Embracing change is my 2021 resolution and goal. We all want positive changes, this year especially. The old norm is gone—and with good riddance, I say.

Changes need not to be at high speed, such as the controversial 5G rollout. Often, I count my blessings (especially during mealtime), and I mindfully envision better days ahead. Our Inspiration column focuses on simple ways to bless your home (p29). You will find time-honored traditions for clearing and protecting personal spaces.

Author Cassandra Curley shares more knowledge on protecting Nature’s Powerful Wisdom (see Part 2 of 3 on pp 16-17). She offers many reasons to “Be Fearless!” toward microorganisms which support our whole natural balance.

Speaking of being fearless, nine-year old Chloe Wachtel offers parental tips for your child’s first bike ride (pp 22-23). Do you remember your very-first bike ride? I do! One 1969 Christmas, my sister and I got matching new blue bicycles (with no training wheels or helmets) at ages 5 and 6. With a gentle, reassuring, straight-line push from my Dad and Uncle, we managed to stay upright down the block. I don’t remember ever falling—a fond memory! And, weeks later I don’t remember who crossed our sidewalk’s finish-line first, my sister or me? For sure, it was never intended to be a competition. We did it together… just as Chloe writes about her sisters and family!

Round it goes: Our Conscious Eating column (pp14-15) has two delicious recipes: Vegan meatballs with Zucchini spirals AND Energy Bites shaped in balls.

Oh my! As I wrap up this letter, I chuckle to see how I, unexpectedly, cycled back to my first sentence. This time, let’s add:

Together (animals included)
Moving Onward in 2021,


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