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Natural Awakenings Central Florida / Orlando

Unexplained Pain? Get DITI Results at Central Florida Thermography

Digital Infrared Thermal Imaging (DITI) is riskless and as simple as taking a picture. There are no contraindications, no radiation, no pain, and no contact with the body. In Winter Park at Central

Florida Thermography, they offer the best patient experience with an interpretation report and color copies typically within 72 hours.

Not only for early detection of Breast Cancer, DITI can also provide objective evidence for other conditions, such as persistent pain patterns following a motor vehicle accident. DITI assesses structures which fall outside mammography range and which are difficult to find with ultrasonography. Frequently, causes of pain are not anatomic in nature and cannot be seen on an MRI or CT. DITI can provide evidence supporting a condition as well as direct your physician to provide more effective treatments. This can benefit patients with back injuries, arthritis, vascular or dental issues, fibromyalgia, and other unexplained pain.

In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Central Florida Thermography is offering $50 OFF during October. Visit and make your appointment today by calling 407-622-9090.

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