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Natural Awakenings Central Florida / Orlando

Trusting My Own Intuition

Sometimes the hardest part of my job is writing my monthly letter. Tossing and turning for hours last night (one day before this press run), I jumped out of bed and completely scrapped the one already written. In the wee hour of 3 am, I drafted 7 pages of pressing thoughts. I felt an over-powering need to shout-out “Wake Up People!”

Self-diagnosed as a HSP (Highly Sensitive Person), I admit that being an empath can take its toll on my positive outlook. My feelings run deep. And, my goal is to respect your feelings and keep this letter as succinct as possible.

Over the past few months, I’ve had countless sleepless nights due to worry. Yet, how can any intellectual being not worry these days? It’s been an emotional roller coaster—and I am
aware that I’m not alone.

As a tax-paying American citizen, there are basic needs I demand, such as truthful reporting, especially when it comes to life/death circumstances which also affect our delicate global
economy. How are we to go on with a passion for making the world a better place when so much of the corporate mainstream news is deceptive and fear-inducing? Keeping the faith (with hope)
is certainly a challenge.

I count my blessings everyday that I can publish this magazine without outside pressure to write these words. Natural Awakenings is not funded by Big Pharma advertising nor controlled
by Big Tech (YouTube, Google, FB, Twitter, etc.) censorship. No doubt, these are the two biggest industries tainting mass media.

As I wrote in my April letter at the beginning of the lock-downs, The HighWire News with Producer Del Bigtree is the best news source I have found that made sense (and still does). You can find the weekly reports on YouTube, or directly through

Additionally, I believe “When the student is ready, the teacher will come.” Oh My! What took me so long to find British author/medical advisor Vernon Coleman? How is it that I’m just discovering this holistic pioneer? Oh well, better late than never! For decades (since 1970) he has been one of the world’s leading advocates for human and animal rights. In interesting ways, he wittily addresses many medical topics and sheds light on the darkest scenarios. Affectionately
dubbed “An Old Man in a Chair,” his factual commentaries are eye-opening and will inspire you to learn more. I highly recommend his (7/26/20) video “A Vaccine Challenge.” Check out the
video tab at and it can be viewed on YouTube (unless censorship has occurred since today). It is reassuring to know that both Coleman and Bigtree do not
accept/allow corporate funding to persuade/taint their reports.

More than ever in my entire life, I have turned to trusting my own intuition. There is no doubt in my mind that a so-called Covid vaccine will never safely exist. This is my gut feeling.

Often I write about the importance of eating healthy foods (with ingredients you can pronounce)
and knowing where and how your meals are made. This month I encourage you to consume Food for Thought—positive thought. Like me, are you tired of the lame “Let’s Wait and See” mentality? Instead, Time is of the Essence to move forward. Yes, these are challenging times. Take
the challenge—do not give up. Do your own investigation, and trust your intuition. Another good site:

On a lighter note, I am sharing a simple, healthy 2-ingredient jello base recipe (p17) with a list of my summer fruits. Also, two articles which resonate with me are Cultivating Contentment (p22) and The Power of Awe (p16). I hope both offer peace of mind. Embrace the small things—there are wondrously simple tips, such as spending time in nature, deep breathing, volunteering, offering a smile and fostering new connections. Taking positive steps will add to a happier lifestyle.

From the bottom of my heart, I beg you to seek alternative news to help guide your own beliefs.
Unfortunately, in July the Florida Covid positive-testing stats have been grossly overstated, which continues to increase fear. However, it is good to know that many of these reporting mistakes are
finally being admitted and fixed.

This is the time for action—and a time to wake up and trust that we do have the power to claim our own sacred, good health.

Choose wisely, stay well and
feed positive thoughts to our fellow friends,


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