Honoring the Legacy of a Veterinary Pioneer

The Orlando veterinary community lost a legend when our own Dr. Albert Núñez died suddenly last month. Dr. Núñez was a champion of innovative animal care—and his enthusiasm, kindness, expertise, and vast knowledge served as invaluable gifts to the Animal Hospital at Baldwin Park, Integrative Animal Hospital of Central Florida, and anyone lucky enough to know him.
“There is no way to ever replace the warmth and joy Dr. Núñez brought to our community and the care he provided to every animal in his care. Many of our veterinarians were mentored by Dr. Núñez, and we are committed to continuing his legacy as a holistic practitioner and animal advocate. Dr. Trow, Dr. McIntosh, Dr. Anthony, Dr. Carson, Dr. Abrego, and Dr. Vilallonga will all be working hard to make sure Dr. Núñez’s focus on alternative therapies and passion for life-long learning are not forgotten.
Thanks to Dr. Núñez, the teams at Animal Hospital at Baldwin Park and Integrative Animal Hospital of Central Florida aren’t just groups of skilled and highly trained professionals. We’re a family. We’d love it if you—and your pet—would join our family, too.
Call Animal Hospital at Baldwin Park 407-897-8555 or visit animalhospitalatbaldwinpark.com, or call Integrative Animal Hospital of Central Florida 407-833-8868 or visit iahcf.com to make an appointment for your pet today.