Letter from the Publisher December 2019

Welcome to our December edition. It’s hard to believe another year is
wrapping up…where does the time go? In the spirit of the season, we
rightly turn our attention to metaphysical matters, most notably Linda Sechrist’s uplifting feature, “The Emerging Power of ‘We’: Awakening to the Evolution of Community.”
Here you will find a compelling argument that collective wisdom,
collaborative change and the need to evolve from a culture of “me” to a
culture of “we” may be the key to addressing the major challenges that
confront humankind.
As the Publisher since year
2000, I am motivated to bring our Central Florida / Greater Ourlando
community together. I prefer the description: OurLando. There are
countless ways for you to expand into the “We.” Do you have a spiritual
group, a fitness group, perhaps a community garden in your
neighborhood? See pages 14-15 for ways to bring people together for a
higher purpose. Our calendar section pp 22-27 offers many group events,
This month’s Wise Words also takes us on a spiritual journey with the story of Mary Neal, an orthopedic surgeon and author of 7 Lessons from Heaven: How Dying Taught Me to Live a Joy-Filled Life,
who shares her account of a Near-Death Experience in which she believes
she penetrated the veil dividing the physical and spiritual worlds. Her
life-altering experience prompted her to pay more attention to those
things that are truly important: faith, family and relationships with
As always, we explore the pursuit of healthy living with remarkable articles detailing the many benefits of Salt Therapy: a Multi-Purpose Healer (pp. 12-13) and the importance of maintaining strong skeletal integrity in Beyond Calcium: Full-Spectrum Bone Health
(pp 16-17). Our pets deserve optimal health and fun, too. Learn how to
incorporate safe and eco-smart toys for our four-legged family members
Wishing you all a joyful holiday season—and as I always preach:
Feel Good • Live Simply • Laugh More