Letter from the Publisher November 2019

Like me, do you love to read from a book or magazine in a comfortable chair? Do you “dog-ear” pages and underline/highlight favorite passages? I still love that method. My daily calendar is in handwritten pencil/pen.
Well, you asked. We listened! For our digital friends, you will find easy access online. Just go to www.NACFLcomThis past weekend I spent time in Western NC/North GA. My drive through the fall foliage, passing by an Appalachian Trail head by car, reminded me to slow down. Breathe deep. I felt such ease. And, that was my purpose: Ease.
Within these pages, you will find tips for daily Gratitude. Mindful Eating recipes and many ways to help others—and our four-pawed best friends. I hope you all will read the feature on rescuing pets. Paws to Consider (pp16-17) offers many health benefits, too. I am looking forward to a rescue Golden Retriever coming home soon.
As I always preach:
Feel Good • Live Simply • Laugh More